Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Administration Loans

Thank you veterans for your service to our country. You all performed a selfless act which we will be forever grateful.

Details of a Veterans Administration Loan:

  • Maximum loan at 100% is $417,000 (if the verteran has full eligibility)
  • No Down Payment required
  • Funding fee is 2.15% of loan amount for the first time user and 3.3% of the loan amount for the subsequent user
  • Veterans pay only allowable fees. The non-allowable fees are paid by the seller (title company, escrow fee, doc prep, courier & lender fees)
  • Veteran must occupy the property within 60 days
  • Only a spouse can be a co-mortgagor with a veteran
  • If the veteran is married joint credit must be pulled
  • Power of Attorney is acceptable, but it must be VA specific
  • Seller can contribute up to 6% of closing costs

God bless our troop here and abroad!

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